237990 - Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in heavy and civil engineering construction projects (excluding highway, street, bridge, and distribution line construction). The work performed may include new work, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and repairs. Specialty trade contractors are included in this industry if they are engaged in activities primarily related to heavy and civil engineering construction projects (excluding highway, street, bridge, distribution line, oil and gas structure, and utilities building and structure construction). Construction projects involving water resources (e.g., dredging and land drainage), development of marine facilities, and projects involving open space improvement (e.g., parks and trails) are included in this industry. Illustrative Examples: Channel construction Land drainage contractors Dam construction Marine construction Dock construction Microtunneling contractors Dredging (e.g., canal, channel, ditch, waterway) Nuclear waste disposal site construction Earth retention system construction Flood control project construction Park ground and recreational open space improvement construction Railroad construction Golf course construction Subway construction Horizontal drilling (e.g., cable, pipeline, sewer installation) Trenching, underwater Hydroelectric generating station construction Tunnel construction Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Anchored earth retention contractors
- Athletic field (except stadium) construction
- Avalanche, rockslide, mudslide, or roadside protection construction
- Breakwater construction
- Bridle path construction
- Bulkhead wall or embankment construction
- Caisson (i.e., marine or pneumatic structures) construction
- Canal construction
- Channel construction
- Cofferdam construction
- Construction management, dam
- Construction management, marine structure
- Construction management, mass transit
- Construction management, outdoor recreation facility
- Construction management, tunnel
- Cribbing (i.e., shore protection), construction
- Dam construction
- Dike and other flood control structure construction
- Dock construction
- Drainage canal and ditch construction
- Drainage project construction
- Dredging (e.g., canal, channel, ditch, waterway)
- Drive-in movie facility construction
- Earth retention system construction
- Earth-filled dam construction
- Electricity generating plant, hydroelectric, construction
- Embankment construction
- Farm drainage tile installation
- Flood control project construction
- Floodway canal and ditch construction
- Gabion construction
- Golf course construction
- Harbor construction
- Helical pier (i.e., marine or pneumatic structures) construction
- Horizontal drilling (e.g., underground cable, pipeline, sewer installation)
- Hydroelectric generating facility construction
- Ice rink (except indoor) construction
- Jetty construction
- Land drainage contractors
- Levee construction
- Light rail system construction
- Lock and waterway construction
- Marine construction
- Microtunneling contractors
- Missile facility construction
- Monorail construction
- Nuclear waste disposal site construction
- Outdoor recreation facility construction
- Park and recreational open space improvement construction
- Pier construction
- Pile driving, marine
- Pipe-jacking contractors
- Playground construction
- Port facility construction
- Power plant, hydroelectric, construction
- Railroad construction
- Railway construction (e.g., interlocker, roadbed, signal, track)
- Railway roadbed construction
- Recreation area, open space, construction
- Recreational vehicle park construction
- Retaining walls, anchored (e.g., with piles, soil nails, tieback anchors), construction
- Revetment construction
- Riprap installation
- Rock removal, underwater
- Seawall, wave protection, construction
- Sediment control system construction
- Ski tow construction
- Spillway, floodwater, construction
- Sports field construction
- Streetcar line construction
- Subway construction
- Tennis courts, outdoor, construction
- Timber removal, underwater
- Trail construction
- Trenching, underwater
- Tunnel construction
- Wharf construction