311211 - Flour Milling
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) milling flour or meal from grains (except rice) or vegetables and/or (2) milling flour and preparing flour mixes or doughs. Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Barley flour manufacturing
- Batters, prepared, made in flour mills
- Blended flour made in flour mills
- Brewers' and distillers' flakes and grits, corn, manufacturing
- Buckwheat flour manufacturing
- Bulgur (flour) manufacturing
- Cereal grain flour manufacturing
- Cereal grain germ manufacturing
- Corn flour manufacturing
- Corn meal made in flour mills
- Doughs, prepared, made in flour mills
- Durum flour manufacturing
- Farina (except breakfast food) made in flour mills
- Flour mills, cereals grains (except breakfast cereals, rice)
- Flour mixes made in flour mills
- Flour, blended, prepared, or self-rising (except rice), made in flour mills
- Fruit flour, meal, and powders, manufacturing
- Graham flour manufacturing
- Grain mills (except animal feed, breakfast cereal, rice)
- Grits and flakes, corn brewer's, manufacturing
- Hominy grits (except breakfast food), manufacturing
- Meal, corn, for human consumption made in flour mills
- Mixes, flour (e.g., biscuit, cake, doughnut, pancake) made in flour mills
- Oat flour manufacturing
- Potato flour manufacturing
- Prepared flour mixes made in flour mills
- Rye flour manufacturing
- Semolina flour manufacturing
- Sorghum flour manufacturing
- Vegetable flour manufacturing
- Vegetable flour, meal, and powders, made in flour mills
- Wheat bran manufacturing
- Wheat flour manufacturing
- Wheat germ manufacturing