311225 - Fats and Oils Refining and Blending

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) manufacturing shortening and margarine from purchased fats and oils; (2) refining and/or blending vegetable, oilseed, and tree nut oils from purchased oils; and (3) blending purchased animal fats with purchased vegetable fats. Establishments primarily engaged in--


  • Butter substitutes made from purchased oils
  • Canola (rapeseed) oil, cake and meal, made from purchased oils
  • Coconut oil made from purchased oils
  • Cooking and baking oil sprays made from purchased oils
  • Corn oil made from purchased oils
  • Cottonseed oil made from purchased oils
  • Flaxseed oil made from purchased oils
  • Grease, inedible, animal and vegetable, refining and blending purchased oils
  • Hydrogenating purchased oil
  • Lecithin made from purchased oils
  • Linseed oil made from purchased oils
  • Margarine-butter blend made from purchased fats and oils
  • Margarines (including imitation) made from purchased fats and oils
  • Nondairy butter made from purchased oils
  • Oil, olive, made from purchased oils
  • Oil, vegetable stearin, made from purchased oils
  • Olive oil made from purchased oils
  • Palm-kernel oil made from purchased oils
  • Peanut oil made from purchased oils
  • Rapeseed (i.e., canola) oil made from purchased oils
  • Safflower oil made from purchased oils
  • Shortening made from purchased fats and oils
  • Soybean cooking oil made from purchased oils
  • Table oil made from purchased oils
  • Tree nut oils (e.g., tung, walnut) made from purchased oils
  • Vegetable oils made from purchased oils