316110 - Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) tanning, currying, and finishing hides and skins; (2) having others process hides and skins on a contract basis; and (3) dyeing or dressing furs.
- Bag leather manufacturing
- Belting butts, curried or rough, manufacturing
- Belting leather, manufacturing
- Bookbinder's leather manufacturing
- Bridle leather manufacturing
- Buffings, russet, manufacturing
- Case leather manufacturing
- Chamois leather manufacturing
- Collar leather, manufacturing
- Coloring leather
- Converters, leather
- Currying furs
- Currying leather
- Cutting of leather
- Dressing (i.e., bleaching, blending, currying, scraping, tanning) furs
- Dressing hides
- Dyeing furs
- Dyeing leather
- Embossing leather
- Exotic leathers manufacturing
- Fancy leathers manufacturing
- Finishing hides and skins on a contract basis
- Finishing leather
- Fleshers, leather (i.e., flesh side of split leather), manufacturing
- Fur stripping
- Furs, dressed (e.g., bleached, curried, dyed, scraped, tanned), manufacturing
- Garment leather manufacturing
- Glove leather manufacturing
- Handbag leather manufacturing
- Harness leather manufacturing
- Hides and skins, finishing on a contract basis
- Hides, tanning, currying, dressing, and finishing
- Japanning of leather
- Lace leather manufacturing
- Latigo leather manufacturing
- Leather coloring, cutting, embossing, and japanning
- Leather converters
- Leather tanning, currying, and finishing
- Lining leather manufacturing
- Mechanical leather manufacturing
- Parchment leather manufacturing
- Patent leather manufacturing
- Pelts bleaching, currying, dyeing, scraping, and tanning
- Rawhide manufacturing
- Roller leather manufacturing
- Saddlery leather manufacturing
- Shearling (i.e., prepared sheepskin) manufacturing
- Skins, tanning, currying and finishing
- Skirting leather manufacturing
- Skivers, leather, manufacturing
- Slitting leather for the trade
- Sole leather manufacturing
- Specialty leathers manufacturing
- Splits, leather, manufacturing
- Strap leather manufacturing
- Sweatband leather manufacturing
- Tannery leather manufacturing
- Tanning and currying furs
- Upholstery leather manufacturing
- Upper leather manufacturing
- Vellum leather manufacturing
- Welting leather manufacturing
- Wet blues manufacturing