325194 - Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) distilling wood or gum into products, such as tall oil and wood distillates; (2) distilling coal tars; (3) manufacturing wood or gum chemicals, such as naval stores, natural tanning materials, charcoal briquettes, and charcoal (except activated); and (4) manufacturing cyclic crudes or cyclic intermediates (i.e., hydrocarbons, except aromatic petrochemicals) from refined petroleum or natural gas. Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Acetate of lime, natural, made by distillation of wood
- Acetone, natural, manufacturing
- Aminoanthraquinone manufacturing
- Aminoazobenzene manufacturing
- Aminoazotoluene manufacturing
- Aminophenol manufacturing
- Aniline manufacturing
- Annatto extract manufacturing
- Anthracene manufacturing
- Azobenzene manufacturing
- Benzaldehyde manufacturing
- Benzoic acid manufacturing
- Brazilwood extract manufacturing
- Brewers' pitch made by distillation of wood
- Camphor, natural, manufacturing
- Charcoal (except activated) manufacturing
- Charcoal briquettes, wood, manufacturing
- Chestnut extract manufacturing
- Chlorobenzene manufacturing
- Chloronaphthalene manufacturing
- Chlorophenol manufacturing
- Chlorotoluene manufacturing
- Coal tar distillates manufacturing
- Creosote made by distillation of coal tar
- Creosote made by distillation of wood tar
- Cresols made by distillation of coal tar
- Cresylic acids made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- Cyclic crudes made by distillation of coal tar
- Cyclic intermediates made from refined petroleum or natural gas (except aromatic petrochemicals)
- Cyclohexane manufacturing
- Cyclopentane made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- Cyclopropane made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- Cycloterpenes manufacturing
- Diethylcyclohexane manufacturing
- Diphenylamine manufacturing
- Distillates, wood, manufacturing
- Dragon's blood manufacturing
- Dyes, natural, manufacturing
- Ethyl acetate, natural, manufacturing
- Extracts, natural dyeing and tanning, manufacturing
- Fustic wood extract manufacturing
- Gambier extract manufacturing
- Gum and wood chemicals manufacturing
- Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon derivatives manufacturing
- Hardwood distillates manufacturing
- Hemlock extract manufacturing
- Hydroquinone manufacturing
- Isocyanates manufacturing
- Logwood extract manufacturing
- Maleic anhydride manufacturing
- Mangrove extract manufacturing
- Methyl acetone manufacturing
- Methyl alcohol (methanol), natural, manufacturing
- Myrobalans extract manufacturing
- Naphtha made by distillation of coal tar
- Naphtha, solvent, made by distillation of coal tar
- Naphthalene made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- Naphthalenesulfonic acid manufacturing
- Naphthenic acids made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- Naphthol sulfonic acids manufacturing
- Naphthol, alpha and beta, manufacturing
- Naval stores, gum or wood, manufacturing
- Nitrated hydrocarbon derivatives manufacturing
- Nitroaniline manufacturing
- Nitrobenzene manufacturing
- Nitrophenol manufacturing
- Nitrosated hydrocarbon derivatives manufacturing
- Oak extract manufacturing
- Oils made by distillation of coal tar
- Oils, wood, made by distillation of wood
- Orthodichlorobenzene manufacturing
- Pentachlorophenol manufacturing
- Phenol manufacturing
- Phthalic anhydride manufacturing
- Pine oil manufacturing
- Pinene manufacturing
- Pitch made by distillation of coal tar
- Pitch, wood, manufacturing
- Pyroligneous acids manufacturing
- Quebracho extracts manufacturing
- Quercitron extracts manufacturing
- Resorcinol manufacturing
- Rosins made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
- Softwood distillates manufacturing
- Sulfonated naphthalene manufacturing
- Sulphonated derivatives manufacturing
- Sumac extract manufacturing
- Tall oil (except skimmings) manufacturing
- Tannic acid (i.e., tannins) manufacturing
- Tanning extracts and materials, natural, manufacturing
- Tar and tar oils made by distillation of wood
- Tar made by distillation of coal tar
- Toluidines manufacturing
- Turpentine made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
- Valonia extract manufacturing
- Wattle extract manufacturing
- Witch hazel extract manufacturing
- Wood alcohol, natural, manufacturing
- Wood distillates manufacturing
- Wood oils manufacturing