325311 - Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) manufacturing nitrogenous fertilizer materials; (2) manufacturing fertilizers from sewage or animal waste; and (3) manufacturing nitrogenous materials and mixing with other ingredients into fertilizers.


  • Ammonia, anhydrous and aqueous, manufacturing
  • Ammonium nitrate manufacturing
  • Ammonium sulfate manufacturing
  • Anhydrous ammonia manufacturing
  • Fertilizers, mixed, made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer materials
  • Fertilizers, natural organic (except compost), manufacturing
  • Fertilizers, of animal waste origin, manufacturing
  • Fertilizers, of sewage origin, manufacturing
  • Nitric acid manufacturing
  • Nitrogenous fertilizer materials manufacturing
  • Plant foods, mixed, made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer materials
  • Urea manufacturing