332999 - All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fabricated metal products (except forgings and stampings, cutlery and handtools, architectural and structural metals, boilers, tanks, shipping containers, hardware, spring and wire products, machine shop products, turned products, screws, nuts and bolts, metal valves, ball and roller bearings, ammunition, small arms and other ordnances and accessories, and fabricated pipes and pipe fittings). Illustrative Examples: Foil containers (except bags) manufacturing Industrial pattern manufacturing Metal hair curlers manufacturing Metal ironing boards manufacturing Metal pallets manufacturing Metal pipe hangers and supports manufacturing Metal safes manufacturing Metal vaults (except burial) manufacturing Permanent metallic magnets manufacturing Portable metal ladders manufacturing Sanitary ware (e.g., bathtubs, lavatories, sinks), metal and enameled metal, manufacturing Steel wool manufacturing Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Aluminum freezer foil not made in rolling mills
- Aluminum ladders manufacturing
- Andirons manufacturing
- Angle irons, metal, manufacturing
- Animal traps, metal (except wire), manufacturing
- Aquarium accessories, metal, manufacturing
- Badges, metal, manufacturing
- Bank chests, metal, manufacturing
- Barricades, metal, manufacturing
- Bathroom fixtures, metal, manufacturing
- Bathtubs, metal, manufacturing
- Bellows, hand, manufacturing
- Book ends, metal, manufacturing
- Car seals, metal, manufacturing
- Chain fittings manufacturing
- Chests, fire or burglary resistive, metal, manufacturing
- Chests, money, metal, manufacturing
- Chests, safe deposit, metal, manufacturing
- Combs, metal, manufacturing
- Containers, foil (except bags), manufacturing
- Copper foil not made in rolling mills
- Cores, sand foundry, manufacturing
- Cuffs, leg, iron, manufacturing
- Doors, safe and vault, metal, manufacturing
- Drain plugs, magnetic, metal, manufacturing
- Drill stands, metal, manufacturing
- Drinking fountains (except mechanically refrigerated), metal, manufacturing
- Ecclesiastical ware, precious plated metal, manufacturing
- Fireplace fixtures and equipment manufacturing
- Flexible metal hose and tubing manufacturing
- Flush tanks, metal, manufacturing
- Foil containers (except bags) manufacturing
- Foil not made in rolling mills
- Foundry cores manufacturing
- Foundry pattern making
- Fountains (except drinking), metal, manufacturing
- Fountains, drinking (except mechanically refrigerated), metal, manufacturing
- Frames and handles, handbag and luggage, metal, manufacturing
- Frames, metal, lamp shade, manufacturing
- Frames, metal, umbrella and parasol, manufacturing
- Gold beating (i.e., foil, leaf)
- Gold foil and leaf not made in rolling mills
- Hair curlers, metal, manufacturing
- Handcuffs manufacturing
- Handles (e.g., parasol, umbrella), metal, manufacturing
- Harness parts, metal, manufacturing
- Hollowware, precious plated metal, manufacturing
- Hoops, metal (except wire), fabricated from purchased metal
- Horse bits manufacturing
- Hose, flexible metal, manufacturing
- Identification plates, metal, manufacturing
- Industrial pattern manufacturing
- Ironing boards, metal, manufacturing
- Ladder jacks, metal, manufacturing
- Ladders, portable metal, manufacturing
- Lamp shade frames, metal, manufacturing
- Laundry tubs, metal, manufacturing
- Lavatories, metal, manufacturing
- Lead foil not made in rolling mills
- Leaf, metal, manufacturing
- Linings, metal safe and vault, manufacturing
- Machine bases, metal, manufacturing
- Magnesium foil not made in rolling mills
- Magnets, permanent, metallic, manufacturing
- Marine horns, compressed air or steam, metal, manufacturing
- Metal foil containers (except bags) manufacturing
- Military insignia, metal, manufacturing
- Money chests, metal, manufacturing
- Name plate blanks, metal, manufacturing
- Nickel foil not made in rolling mills
- Novelties and specialties, nonprecious metal and precious plated, manufacturing
- Pads, soap impregnated scouring, manufacturing
- Paint sticks, metal, manufacturing
- Pallet parts, metal, manufacturing
- Pallets, metal, manufacturing
- Patterns (except shoe), industrial, manufacturing
- Pipe hangers and supports, metal, manufacturing
- Plated ware (e.g., ecclesiastical ware, hollowware, toilet ware) manufacturing
- Platinum foil and leaf not made in rolling mills
- Plugs, magnetic metal drain, manufacturing
- Plumbing fixtures, metal, manufacturing
- Portable chemical toilets, metal, manufacturing
- Propellers, ship and boat, made from purchased metal
- Reels, metal, manufacturing
- Rope fittings manufacturing
- Saddlery parts, metal, manufacturing
- Safe deposit boxes and chests, metal, manufacturing
- Safe doors and linings, metal, manufacturing
- Safes, metal, manufacturing
- Sanitary ware (e.g., bathtubs, lavatories, sinks), metal, manufacturing
- Scouring pads, soap impregnated, manufacturing
- Shims, metal, manufacturing
- Shower receptors, metal, manufacturing
- Shower rods, metal, manufacturing
- Shower stalls, metal, manufacturing
- Silver beating (i.e., foil, leaf)
- Silver foil and leaf not made in rolling mills
- Sinks, metal, manufacturing
- Skids, metal, manufacturing
- Soap dispensers, metal, manufacturing
- Sponges, metal scouring, manufacturing
- Stabilizing bars, cargo, metal, manufacturing
- Steel wool manufacturing
- Stepladders, metal, manufacturing
- Strappings, metal, manufacturing
- Tablets, metal, manufacturing
- Thimbles for wire rope manufacturing
- Tinfoil not made in rolling mills
- Toilet fixtures, metal, manufacturing
- Toilet ware, precious plated metal, manufacturing
- Trophies, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing
- Tubing, flexible metal, manufacturing
- Tubs, laundry and bath, metal, manufacturing
- Urinals, metal, manufacturing
- Vault doors and linings, metal, manufacturing
- Vaults (except burial), metal, manufacturing
- Water closets, metal, manufacturing
- Zinc foil and leaf not made in rolling mills