424610 - Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of plastics materials and resins, and unsupported plastics film, sheet, sheeting, rod, tube, and other basic forms and shapes.


  • Cellulose film merchant wholesalers
  • Foam, plastics, resins and shapes, merchant wholesalers
  • Nylon resins merchant wholesalers
  • Plasticizers merchant wholesalers
  • Plastics basic shapes (e.g., film, rod, sheet, sheeting, tubing) merchant wholesalers
  • Plastics foam merchant wholesalers
  • Plastics materials merchant wholesalers
  • Plastics resins merchant wholesalers
  • Polyester resins merchant wholesalers
  • Resins, plastics, merchant wholesalers
  • Stabilizers, plastic, merchant wholesalers