424820 - Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of wine, distilled alcoholic beverages, and/or neutral spirits and ethyl alcohol used in blended wines and distilled liquors.


  • Alcoholic beverages, wine, and distilled spirits merchant wholesalers
  • Beverages, wine and distilled spirits, merchant wholesalers
  • Brandy and brandy spirits merchant wholesalers
  • Cocktails, alcoholic, premixed, merchant wholesalers
  • Distilled alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers
  • Ethyl alcohol merchant wholesalers
  • Hard cider merchant wholesalers
  • Liquors merchant wholesalers
  • Liquors, distilled, merchant wholesalers
  • Neutral spirits merchant wholesalers
  • Spirits, distilled, merchant wholesalers
  • Wine coolers, alcoholic, merchant wholesalers
  • Wines merchant wholesalers